About Us
Family Services For Children (FSFC) Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established and incorporated in New Mexico in 2000.
FSFC is dedicated to providing opportunities for children to have safe and conflict-free access to both parents. The corporation is organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. FSFC operates under contract to the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts, pursuant to NMSA Section 40-12-5.1 Safe Exchange and Supervised Visitation services.
FSFC is managed by an all volunteer board of directors who are committed to fulfilling the principles and bylaws as set forth within the founding documents, and operating within the bounds of the NM statutes.
FSFC is staffed with paid professionals who are trained in the areas of:
- Safe exchange and supervised visitation
- Safety for all participants
- Role of the provider
- Record-keeping procedures
- Child abuse reporting laws
- Conflicts of interest
- Confidentiality
- Screening, intervening, monitoring, and termination of visitation
- Developmental needs of children
- Issues relating to domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and substance abuse
- Legal responsibilities and obligations of a provider
- Cultural sensitivity